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What to Wear - Its important you wear something comfortable. For excample what people tell you what looks good on you. Some clients like to match; however, I would recommend choosing a colors that can coordinate. It's also okay to allow a young child to bring along a favorite toy for the shoot, even if only used in a couple shots. You are creating memories and it's always fun to look back at photos and be reminded of things that may otherwise be forgotten in the future.


Choosing a Location The location you choose for your shoot should be one that is special to you, suits your personality, or one that is visually interesting. Some setting ideas include the beach, a local park or gardens, the desert, Main Street or “Old Town”, an urban location, a farm or ranch, or any place that might have some architectural detail, texture, color, variety, and the right lighting.

Get Personal and close in Group and family photos always look great when there is minimal space between the subjects, unless of course, that is the pose you are going for in a particular shot...Giving lots of hugs and kisses, and taking turns focusing everyone’s attention on a particular family member is an easy way to add life to your shots. Being happy, acting natural and goofing around make the photographs look natura. 


Preparation Make sure everyone is well-rested, not hungry, and has used the restroom, especially the little ones. Bring water and some easy, non-messy snacks, and wipes. It’s also helpful to talk to your children about the photo shoot ahead of time so that they know what to expect. Bribery can also work wonders with the little ones. For the adults bring powder to remove the shine from the face and light color lipstick. Bring a mirror and hairbrush.

PHOTOGRAPHY TIPS                                                      

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